about realspin, the name
Where does a name come from?
How much thought goes into a title that you want to grow with forever?
For me, it was hours, days, weeks. It was countless scribbles on paper, brainstorming with my family, soul searching and reflecting. I needed to think about who takes my rides, who will be taking my rides from everywhere in the world, who riders have become to me and who they will become, what I want people to feel during and after rides, the emotions, the feelings, the tears, the laughter, the singing, the energy, the sweat and more. After many names and much narrowing down….the obvious choice kept staring back at me. Realspin.
In a world where social media is all around to scare us, challenge us
and deceive us….I like to keep it real. My classes are full of real people who want to and need to ride for valid reasons. Escape, have fun, sanity, health, fitness, anxiety, depression, recovery and more. We have real emotions and cry when the lights go out and the songs are moving and emotional. We laugh together, we sing together and we dance together because the energy and fun is real. We aren’t trying to be someone that we are not, we are becoming the best versions of ourselves and becoming stronger versions that we are proud of. We can ride however we want and the way that feels best for our bodies. Riding to the beat can be done sitting, standing, with or without upper body movements. Our insecurities are real. Our accomplishments are real. Our strengths are real. The love is real. Our smiles are real. We get out of breath, we get tired, we try harder and we keep going. The energy, the excitement, the thrill are all real. Realspin is your chance to escape, have fun, dance, sweat, spin and be together as one with people and an instructor who is real.
the realspin icon has so much meaning and significance built into its small design.

As shown here, The R shape is clearly evident
representing the first letter of the name…realspin.

The bottom of the design has several meanings.
The wheels of the bike, representing what we do….we spin!

An infinity sign (an 8 on its side) which symbolizes limitless, eternity and without end… We are always spinning, always moving, always evolving and growing
both physically, mentally and emotionally. The bottom of the design also represents the top of a heart. The feeling of love is carried through my rides in every ride. Loving yourself, loving who you are and who you are becoming and loving others.